How to Dual Boot Ubuntu 20.04 LTS on your system.

Fabian Christopher
Published in
5 min readMay 31, 2021



Hey there! Ubuntu is one of the most popular Linux Distros thanks to its feature-rich and user-friendly environment that makes it the go-to choice for Developers the world over. But hey, if you’re reading this, you must already know that! So let’s cut to the chase and I’ll guide you through a step-by-step process by the end of which, you’ll have Ubuntu 20.04 LTS up and running on your system.


  • A computer running Windows 10 (recommended)
  • A formatted USB stick with a minimum of 8 Gb space.

Installing Ubuntu is not a difficult process, but make sure you follow all the steps carefully to avoid any issues.

With that said, Let’s Get Started

Step 1: Downloading Linux

  • We’ll start by downloading the Linux ISO file. Go to the link given below to download it.

Step 2: Downloading Rufus.

  • Now we’ll download the software that’ll burn the ISO file into your USB stick. Go to the link given below to download it.

Step 3: Transferring the ISO file to Rufus.

  • Plugin your USB stick and open Rufus and you’ll see a window that looks like this.
  • In Rufus, under Device, select the USB stick you just plugged in.
  • Click on the “Select” Button just under it and select the downloaded Ubuntu ISO file from your system.
  • Now click on “Start” at the bottom.
  • Click “Ok” on all the subsequent dialog boxes and wait for Rufus to transfer the file to your USB stick.
  • This process will take around 5 minutes to finish.

Step 4: Booting into Ubuntu.

  • After the Process is over, reboot your system, with the USB stick still plugged in.
  • Your system should now boot into a Ubuntu session.
  • If it doesn’t boot into a Ubuntu session then read Step 5. Else, Skip over to Step 6.

It is recommended that you disconnect your System from the Internet before rebooting. This will speed up your Ubuntu Installation process.

Step 6: Selecting your USB stick from the Boot menu.

  • Reboot your system and open your Boot Menu while it is rebooting.
  • In your boot menu, select your USB stick from the given list of devices.
  • Now restart your system again and your system should boot into a Ubuntu Session.

The button that opens your boot menu varies for different systems.

Step 6: Installing Ubuntu.

  • Once you’ve successfully booted into a Ubuntu session, you’ll see a dialog box pop up.
  • Select your language (English, if you’re reading this and click on “Install Ubuntu”.
  • Now, your screen should look something like this.
  • Select your preferred Keyboard Layout and select “Continue”.
  • In this window, Normal installation provides you with all the basic utility software such as a web browser, text editor, voice and video recorders, etc, whereas Minimal Installation gives you a Bare Ubuntu base with just the file archive and some basic functionalities. You can choose the former if you want a fully pre-built Ubuntu with all the basic software. The latter is useful if you want to build up your Ubuntu to your personal preferences from scratch. Make your pick. I’m going with Normal Installation!
  • In “Other Options”, select the second option. The first one is greyed out since we have our internet disconnected.
  • Now click on “Continue”.
  • Under “Installation type”, select the third option, “something else”. You will be presented with your disk partitions.
  • Click on the partition you want to use and click on change. Adjust the size and select Ext 4 from the drop-down list.
  • Select “format the partition” and select “/” in the next dropdown. The overall settings must look as follows:
  • Click continue on the confirmation and click on “Install Now”
  • You will be prompted to select your timezone.
  • Next, you have to set your personal details such as name and password. Set them and click continue.
  • After you click continue, ubuntu will start configuring itself and installing required files on your system.
  • This should take some time, so go get yourself a cup of coffee! After the files are installed, Ubuntu will ask to restart your system. Click Restart and pull out the USB stick when prompted! When your system restarts, you will be welcomed by your new Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Operating System! You can now set up other features and customize your ubuntu as you like!


Success!! You have successfully installed Ubuntu 20.04 LTS OS on your system!! Hope you enjoyed it! Do check out my other articles where I cover topics such as deep learning and other trending technologies.

Stay Safe!! Happy Learning!!

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